On April 5th, GreenChemUBC reached out to the Suzuki Elders and spread the word about our research on sustainable science.
Hearing talks from graduate researchers on catalysis, biodegradable plastics, solar cells and CO2 conversion, everyone participating was actively engaged and came away with a new appreciation of chemistry.
The Suzuki Elders being a voluntary association of self-identified community elders, work with and through the David Suzuki Foundation. They believe that senior citizens are “wisdom-keepers with an on-going responsibility to maintain societies well-being and safe-guard the health of the ailing planet.”
Since 2011, the Suzuki Elders have been supporting, conducting and participating in a range of community workshops and outreach programs to provide environmental education opportunities for elders and youth. Specifically, the Education and Community Engagement Working Group has been active in starting dialogues with young people to develop methods of stimulating action on climate change issues.
You can find out more about the Suzuki Elders here.
An important part of sustainable science is encouraging our community to participate in the process. Bridging the gap between researchers and the public will help to strengthen important ideas such as Life Cycle Thinking. We were delighted to take this step forward and we look forward to future collaborations with the Suzuki Elders.
It was a great morning of new connections and stimulating conversation!
GreenChemUBC is always excited to promote the science of sustainability!